Paddling tips, tricks, news and gear reviews from an Unsponsored point of view

Tag: Burn III

Pyranha Burn III (Small) – Review

As a smaller female paddler I was asked to review the new small Pyranha Burn 3. I am 5’0”, weigh around 60kg and not particularly flexible. I currently paddle a Zet Veloc, with a brief time paddling the Dagger Mamba 7.5 before and during a trip to Nepal. I confess I have never tried the previous small Burns because they never appeared to be small enough.

burn janet brown

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Pyranha Burn III Small – First Look

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A quick look at the new Pyranha Burn III Small from PaddleExpo 2014. We are really excited about this new boat and the potential it will bring out in young up-and-coming paddlers as well as the smaller members of the kayaking community who want a boat that will allow them to be in control, won’t swamp them and is light enough to make those long walk-ins and portages less of a chore. Continue reading

New XL Pyranha Burn On Aysgarth Waterfalls

New XL Pyranha Burn on Aysgarth Waterfalls, Yorkshire, England.

Turns like it’s on rails, you put it where you want it with sweet boots and ski speed and a load of ass to carry you on your adventures, this ones my favourite!!!

Get some, get one!!!

New Pyranha Burn III In West Virginia

New Pyranha Burn III in West Virginia from Pyranha on Vimeo.

The third generation Burn is the latest in Pyranha’s long line of cutting edge river runners. Paddlers have come to rely on the Burn’s combination of playful hull, precise edges and forgiving deck profile for everything from the beginnings of whitewater to Class V creeks.

The new Burn refines these features further to give you more speed and drive, more precise tracking in turbulent water and effortless boofs. The Burn’s combination of stability and precision make it a proven all round performer–whether you are a beginner running Class II or an expert firing up big drops.

Paddlers- Ryan McAvoy and Ty Caldwell
Cinematography- David Fusilli and Dylan McKinney
Producer- Dylan McKinney

Filmed using GoPro kit.

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