Paddling tips, tricks, news and gear reviews from an Unsponsored point of view

Tag: Jared Seiler

Movie Monday 16 October 2017

Welcome to Movie Monday 16 October 2017 here at Unsponsored. A little distraction at the start of the working week.

Movie Monday 16 October 2017


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Unsponsored Q&A – Jared Seiler

Jared Seiler is a professional kayaker based out of the USA. If you been watching kayaking videos over the last few years you will have seen Jared in action many many times. I for one always look forward to the next edit release.

As one of the brains behind Demshitz, Jared has pretty high profile within the kayaking world. He also has a very busy schedule. To find out that Jared was prepared to take a little bit of time out to take part in the Unsponsored Q&A series made my day.

Jared Seiler

When and how did you first start paddling?

My dad got my brother and me into kayaking when we were 12 and 11 years old back in ’97 with the Philadelphia canoe club’s Novice training program. We learned at winter pool sessions and were running the lehigh and lower yough by the end of that summer. We spent many days on the lower yough. A year and half later we were on the upper yough, which is where we really honed our skills.

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Demshitz In The Poconos

Demshitz In The Poconos

A superb trip for the Demshitz. Plenty of water and plenty of action on Stoney creek and Raymondskill creek.

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Demshitz Chile And Argentina 2007

A throw back to some lost footage from 2007.

Demshitz Chile And Argentina 2007

All of our footage was stolen from our truck at the end of our trip to Patagonia in 2007. Luckily we were able to recover this footage from an edit we put together before we lost the footage. Enjoy.

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