Paddling tips, tricks, news and gear reviews from an Unsponsored point of view

Tag: stern

How To Style Out Stern Pirouettes

How To Style Out Stern Pirouettes
How To Style Out Stern Pirouettes

This week’s Webisode from Matt Brook Coaching is the fourth in a series of tutorials, mostly centred around playboating, both in modern and oldschool kayaks.

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I have always used airbags in my boats as they prevent part of the boat filling with water during a capsize. After a recent forced swim I was interested in how heavy my boat was when it was filled with water.

I currently have a couple of liquid logic boats – a Stomper 90 and a Biscuit 65. The Stomper has a volume of 90 gallons or approximately 341 litres. The Biscuit has a volume of 65 gallons or approximately 246 litres.


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