Paddling tips, tricks, news and gear reviews from an Unsponsored point of view

Tag: white water pfd review (Page 1 of 2)

Palm FXr PFD – Review

The FX PFD from Palm Equipment has been around in one form or another for years and has been one of Palm’s top sellers throughout its lifetime. In 2013 Palm took the FX and totally overhauled its fit and the material used.


The new FX has been such a success that it seemed to make sense to move things up a gear and develop a rescue vest using the same platform. Palm have done exactly this and have released the FXr in early 2014.

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Palm FXr – Simon Westgarth’s Thoughts

Palm Equipment hooked me up with one of their new FXr PFDs for test the other week and subsequent review on Unsponsored.


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Palm FXr – A Closer Look

Palm Equipment hooked me up with one of their new FXr PFDs for test the other week.


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Palm FXr PFD – Out Now

How do you improve one of the best selling PFDs on the market? How about adding a chest harness and additional knife storage.

The Palm FXr is now out and is available in stores around the UK. There is also a FXr on its way to Unsponsored HQ for testing.


PeakUK New PFD Range

PeakUK have stepped up the game with a complete redesign/update of their PFD range.

River Guide Vest:

New materials, a better cut and fit are combined into a very smart looking River Guide Vest (£139).

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Palm FX On Steriods – FXr

How do you improve one of the best selling PFDs on the market? How about adding a chest harness and additional knife storage.


Check out the new FXr from Palm. Presumably the R must stand for rescue or may be “really good”.

Astral YTV PFD – First Look

Firstly the Astral YTV PFD is not available in Europe but thanks to the Internet it is super easy to get hold of one.

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I have had mine for a number of weeks and was able to put it through its paces on whitewater for the first time this week. A full review will be published in a couple of months, so in the meantime here is a little detail on the YTV Continue reading

Astral YTV PFD – First Look

Although not available in Europe I managed to get hold of the new Astral YTV PFD for review.

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As yet it hasn’t been used in anger but first impressions are pretty good. Super light and super slim (unlike the model).

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Palm FX PFD – Review

The FX PFD from Palm Equipment has been around in one form or another for years and has been one of Palm’s top sellers throughout its lifetime. The new 2013 FX has really ramped up the design in terms of its looks, but how does it perform? Read on…

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Find Your Zen: NRS Zen Rescue PFD

Lotus Lowrider PFD

This is the top freestyle vest from US manufacturer Lotus. Lotus is one of the U.S’s top buoyancy aid or as they say PFD (personal flotation device) manufacturers, and at current they aren’t available in the UK, neither are they CE approved, however they do rock!

I obtained my ‘Lowrider’ via mail order from a Canadian company with shops on the banks of the Ottawa, but most shops in the US and Canada stock them, so if your planning a trip, or don’t mind paying the shipping, its well worth it.


At first glance the ‘Lowrider’ is a sweet looking bit of kit, super low profile as the name suggests, and ultimate freedom of movement. It has straps on the shoulders and 2 on the sides to adjust and tighten the fit of the pfd including a unique internal harness that gives a good tight fit with out constricting breathing. It’s constructed of a solid cordura shell, and an Airtex type foam. Continue reading

Palm FX PFD Promo

Palm FX Promo from on Vimeo.

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