Amongst It is produced by Penstock Productions (the same stable that brings LVM to our screens).
This is a creekin video through and through, and centres around the following featured rivers;
Perth River
Big Kimshew Creek
Rauma River
and the Homathko River
Further rivers are featured to a smaller extent;
Royal Gorge
Fantasy Falls
Middle Kings
West Cherry Creek
Upper Cherry Creek
Ravens Fork
Green Narrows
Elk River
Cullasaja River
Clear Frok of the Cowlitz
Carbon River Gorge
Salmon River Gorge
By anyones standards this is a pretty impressive list. The action is well filmed and the soundtrack is pretty good (although this is subjective).
There is no doubt if you are a boater who loves to creek then this DVD will certainly inspire. The scenary, water and paddling lifestyle is well captured. Editing is slick and there is nice blend of action/lifestyle.
The paddlers are protrayed as paddlers and not gods which is often a danger with sports films. Paddlers include;
Nikki Kelly
Tommy Hilleke
Fred Coriell
Ryan Casey
Jason Hale
Jules Campbell
Nate Helms
Matt Sheridan
Daniel Delavergne
and John Grace
To be honest I’m not a big fan of films that have fall, after fall after fall. But Amongst It pulls it off well. The blend of action works well and prevented me from switching off after a few minutes. So it will certainly become a firm favourite in my paddling library.
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