Water levels here in Voss have been fairly consistent since we arrived. We’ve managed to get on most of the major runs now and maybe before we leave we may get on something new. We’re all hoping for some action on double drop but despite the grey skies the rain hasn’t really come and its still not running.


Despite this the past few days have been sick! Its currently Ekstremsport VEKO in Voss so theres a ton of people around, parties and competitions. Highlights since Sunday would be the Tunnel section which is a massive slide through a hill, Kittlebreaker a big 50ft ish waterfall and also some more action on Nosbreaker and Moneydrop. Unfortunately in all our excitement we haven’t got any pictures of all this but I imagine if we get a chance we’ll be going for another round before we leave Voss.

Tomorrow is the Brandseth race so stay tuned to see if Sandra smashes it, which she probably will.

Here’s some pictures of a big slide



Martyn x