Quite a few little gems in this gallery from Tom Pattison.
NRS design and produce a whole range of own brand kit ranging from shoes to dry suits and are well worth checking out.
Protec have re-released the full cut classic helmet. Back in the day it was the lid to have. Plenty of protection and a good range of sizes.
Letterman are a brand that are just starting to pop up in shops here in the UK.
Shred Ready have always been a favourite here at Unsponsored HQ and they have a new helmet due out next year.
As with the Stomper Liquid Logic went to the paddling public and asked what they wanted from a boat, and here is the result – The Flying Squirrel. There is a lime green Flying Squirrel working its way to Unsponsored HQ for review.
PeakUK can do some awesome things with their custom print setup including a great design for kids PFDs. I will be buying one of these as soon as the smallest member of Team Unsponsored is big enough. I think she will love it.
Astral have brought out a number of new shoes/boots and are targeting all sectors of the paddling market. I have been suing a pair of Brewers for some time now and have been really impressed. The new G3 rubber used on the new/updated designs is supposed to be even better than the stealth rubber used on the shoes I have.
Palm always delivering some great designs and colour schemes each and very year. I’m really glad to see purple making a comeback. I have a purple set of Palm semi-dry pants in one of my gear bags. They must be 20+ years old and still going strong.
AT paddles announced the new range of paddles earlier this year and had the full range in a number of different colourways to check out at the show. Are they available with a left hand feather?
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