Overthrusters are plates of plastic designed by Immersion Research that cover the front of the cockpit and prevent your spraydeck from being pushed down by the water. Pyranha, Liquid Logic and Dagger have all used the IR system at one time or another. Since there introduction all similar systems have been given the term Overthruster.
The aim is not to provide additional volume in the boat as they are volume neutral. They are designed to actually prevent a loss of volume when the deck is pushed down. The reduction in volume can give a reduction in “pop” and make aerial moves more difficult.
Overthrusters can be made from parts of old boats or from the waste from the boat making process.
The major draw back in these systems is that exit from the boat is compromised.
The other type of Overthruster can be described as volume positive. These are systems that add volume to the boat by making the spraydeck bulge out. Jackson produce a system as shown below, but many paddlers find that a beach ball also does a really good job.
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