Paddling tips, tricks, news and gear reviews from an Unsponsored point of view

Tag: India (Page 1 of 2)

Movie Monday (On A Tuesday) 25 December 2018

Welcome to Movie Monday (On A Tuesday) 25 December 2018 at Unsponsored. We hope you all have a happy Christmas and a safe paddle into the New Year.

Movie Monday (On A Tuesday) 25 December 2018

Have a great day and enjoy!

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Movie Monday 22 October 2018

Welcome to Movie Monday 22 October 2018 at Unsponsored HQ.

Movie Monday 22 October 2018


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Exploring New Rivers In India

Exploring new rivers in Kerala/ India

A few days before MRF 2018 started we went upstream of the race course in order to explore and first descent an epic stretch of whitewater! Exploring new rivers in Kerala/ India.

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Arriving In India

Arriving In India

Epic first day in India! We paddled the Iri Janipura river which was massive and we think it is the highest descent so far. Levels where rising on us throughout our session which made it pretty intimidating and we where all pretty stoked to be off the river at the bottom. Got into a good old cluster f**k and couldn’t find our driver, waited in the rain for a few hours before being rescued… So far India has been awesome!

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Movie Monday 8 January 2018

Welcome to Movie Monday 8 January 2018 here at Unsponsored. We have well over 20 edits for you to get your teeth into.

Movie Monday 8 January 2018


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Ladakh River Festival

The Ladakh River Festival takes place on the Indus River (India) on August 19 to 20th 2017. This is the worlds highest kayaking competition.

Ladakh River Festival

Here in Ladakh we have amazing, world class whitewater kayaking – big rivers, huge rapids, cold water and all in an environment like nowhere else in the world.

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Tsarap Chu And Zanskar Descent

It’s been only a short while since the one day Tsarap Chu and Zanskar descent. In Ladakh, India. The 20hr50min paddle. The 240km descent, the boxed walls, the long rapids, the silent cries in the night.

I get asked daily, why? What pleasure was in it? Is it worth it?

I’ve not come up with a real answer before – Mallory’s quip unsatisfactory – it’s always going to be there.

Perhaps I can sum up why I enjoy the isolation of a long paddle, even with peers, perhaps it’s also an explanation for those that don’t understand solo paddling as a concept. They both run as parallels for me.

Tsarap Chu And Zanskar Descent

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Unsponsored Q&A – Goma Sunuwar

As Nepal came to terms with the after effects of the Quakes in the spring of 2015 one woman shone like a beacon of hope for the emerging nation. Assisted across the border to India by returning aid convoys and a network of friends. Goma Sunuwar made her way to the Malabar River Festival, paddling the Ganga and Coorg along the way.

Unsponsored Q&A - Goma Sunuwar

Prejudice is always high and female kayakers in India and Nepal are a rare sight. ‘Should you be married now?’, can you imagine.

We caught up with Goma in India and followed her progress later as she trained for Slalom competition in Indonesia.

Unsponsored Q&A - Goma Sunuwar

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India 2015 Master – Malabar Festival

A few familiar faces in this edit from Kiwi creations. How many of the paddlers can you identify?

India 2015 Master - Malabar Festival

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The All India Kayak Expedition: Episode 4 – The Sankh

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Ford & TOJ present The All India Kayak Expedition, Ep.04 – The Sankh

Powered by Ford Endeavour, five paddlers from the UK and one from India will travel across the country, exploring new whitewater rivers to descend while following the monsoon rains from the southwest to the northeast. Continue reading

Too High For The Baitarani Gorge

A great edit from the guys from The All India Kayak Expedition.

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Ford & TOJ present The All India Kayak Expedition – Mini Edit – Too High for the Baitarani gorge. Powered by Ford Endeavour, five paddlers from the UK and one from India will travel across the country, exploring new whitewater rivers to descend while following the monsoon rains from the southwest to the northeast. Continue reading

The India Kayak Road Trip: Chasing the Monsoon – Episode 01

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Powered by Ford Endeavour, five paddlers from the UK and one from India will travel across the country, exploring new whitewater rivers to descend while following the monsoon rains from the southwest to the northeast. Continue reading

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