Paddling tips, tricks, news and gear reviews from an Unsponsored point of view

Tag: River Militia (Page 1 of 2)

Norway With River

Regulars to Unsponsored will know that now and again Unsponsored’s little brother River (Militia) breaks out of his maximum security stockade. Last year he made it all the way to Norway. We haven’t been able to release the video edit until now due to a number of international incidents that took place on the way to Norway.

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Anyway, he was on the run in Norway for four whole weeks and in that time managed to hit a number of Norwegian classics.

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Northern Territory – Langstrath Beck

In April 2009 Nathan Butler and Martyn Sollars embarked on journey across the United Stated of America. Nathan invested in the ‘Whitewater Classics: Fifty North American Rivers’. This book became the bible, a tick list by default – It featured handpicked paddlers sharing their experiences of each river and stating why it is a classic.


The book was by no means a guidebook, but suggestions made by accomplished and proven pioneers of the sport. Contributors to the Northern Territory project haven’t got the reputation or world titles as featured in ‘Whitewater Classics: Fifty North American Rivers’, but do share the same desire and passion for the sport.

Over the next few weeks Unsponsored will be sharing Nathan’s thoughts and comments on some of the many whitewater classics in Northern Britain.

From Nathan:

Although this UK Northern Territory series doesn’t cover the vast range of rivers the ‘Whitewater Classics: Fifty North American Rivers’ edition does I hope it details those that are worthy of exposure, a mixture of known classics and lesser known sections of whitewater that are carefully selected as not to dilute an abundance of excellent whitewater found in Northern Britain. We hope this works best and gives you the same excitement and is as helpful and as fun to experience as it was for us to produce.

Enjoy and Happy Hucking!

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Unsponsored’s little brother River spent a view days over the border in North Wales.


Afon Lledr – An absolute belter of a North Wales classic! If you are ever lucky enough to catch this at runable flows you should! Class 4/5 greatness throughout, leave the car at Beaver pool then your shuttle’s sorted for the glen run in the PM! Happy days with the locals and the German.

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Longboats For Life – Local Length

Unsponsored’s little brother River has been very quiet of late. It turns out he has been working on a little winter edit focussing on his love of his Liquidlogic Stinger kayak. In Longboats For Life – Local Length, River takes us on a journey through the joy of owning and paddling a big boat, they aren’t just for flat water touring you know!

Longboats for life

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Last Easter Unsponsored’s little brother River was allowed to travel abroad paddling. This was a massive deal for River as this was the first time he had been allowed outside of the UK since that incident early in 2014, but we don’t talk about that.

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River Militia Norwegian Cruise

A nice little edit from Stu Ridley of the River Militia summer trip to Norway.

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An action packed four weeks during the summer, we traveled from the Telemark region and headed North towards the Arctic Circle looking for the goods in each region. Continue reading

Scotland… It’s Happened Again!

Despite being banned from returning to Scotland River managed to sneak out of the house and over the border.

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The sketchy sequel to Scotland Happened – features rivers: Nevis, Leven, Etive, Kinglass and Douglas.

No sick this time folks!

Shot on GoPro’s sick equipment and edited with Final Cut Pro.


Pure Vida

Unsponsored’s little brother River has been out causing chaos again during a quick trip to Costa Rica and Panama. He managed to drag a few others along for the ride before being detained for questioning in the US of A.

Unsponsored Pure Vida

Travelling through Costa Rica and Panama in search of liquid wonders and white water madness! Continue reading

Classics Fanatics

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While he was supposed to be cutting the lawn Unsponsored’s little brother River nipped out and caught some of the best summer UK Monsoon season levels of the year.

Classics Fanatics from THE RIVER MILITIA on Vimeo.

An evening of heavy rain brought Aysgarth Falls and The River Swale into fine condition! With a little Falls of Lora action thrown in for good measure… Timeless whitewater.


Unsponsored’s little brother River was grounded after this trip. Broken boats and broken bones. Disgraceful.

Corsica from THE RIVER MILITIA on Vimeo.

Read about the adventure here.

Falls of Lora

Unsponsored’s little brother River was at the Falls of Lora (Scotland) last week for some awesome surfing on this tidal race.


The falls are generated when the tide level in the Firth of Lorn drops below the level of the water in Loch Etive.

Falls of Lora from Tom Hodge on Vimeo.

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Jason And The Gnargonauts

From Unsponsored’s little brother River Militia.

Jason and the Gnargonauts from THE RIVER MILITIA on Vimeo.

A tribute to a friend – Jason Raper often leading the charge and winning the party! A pleasure to call ourselves friends and an honour to share the water with such a gent.
A very proud River Militia!

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