Legend of the Falls is a Corran Addisons’ video which aims to be “the definitive manual for anyone interested in either learning the basics of river running, or improving their creek boat skills”.
Legend of the falls proved to be a sound investment. The video is split into a number of chapters, they are; River Communication with Arnd Schaeftlein, River Grading, Safety, Equipment, Understanding Rapids, Running technique – boofing etc and a section titled Dr Throwline.
From the outset it is clear that this 1hr 15 Minute will have a mountain of information for you. It kicks off with River Communication with Arnd Schaeftlein, and wow what an eye opener. A must for all boaters of any standard. A simple and concise way of communicating on the river was effectivley described and demonstrated by Arnd – simply brilliant. River Grading was the next section with Corran describing the Addison river grading scale with clear use of words and visual examples.
The following sections take you through the complexities of equipment – the pros and cons of long and short boats, paddles and then how to read/ run rapids and drops effectively and safely. The final section is Dr Throwline, a short instructional piece on the “do nots” of throwline technique.
Legend Of The Falls from Unsponsored on Vimeo.
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