Paddling tips, tricks, news and gear reviews from an Unsponsored point of view

Tag: SUP (Page 1 of 13)

Social Media Saturday 15 June 2024

Welcome to Unsponsored and Social Media Saturday 15 June 2024.

Social Media Saturday 15 June 2024


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Social Media Saturday 25 November 2023

Welcome to Unsponsored and Social Media Saturday 25 November 2023.

Social Media Saturday 25 November 2023


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Social Media Saturday 21 October 2023

Welcome to Unsponsored and Social Media Saturday 21 October 2023.

Social Media Saturday 23 October 2023


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Social Media Saturday 17 December 2022

Welcome to Unsponsored and Social Media Saturday 17 December 2022.

Social Media Saturday 17 December 2022


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Cold Weather Paddling Gear

We’ve just about hit that time of the year in the UK when it gets darker earlier and earlier, the weather has begun to turn and the water is that little bit colder. It’s a great time to start to look at your cold weather paddling gear and assess whether it is going to be up to the job.

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Cold Weather Paddling Gear

Being cold is not just uncomfortable it can also be life threatening. Having the right gear for the right conditions is key at any time of the year but the margin for error during the colder seasons is much tighter.

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Winter Is Coming – 7 Paddling Tips

We’ve just about hit that time of the year in the UK when it gets darker earlier and earlier, the weather has begun to turn and the water is that little bit colder – Winter Is Coming. Last week on the water was very cold and today the rivers are up and snow has hit the UK.

Being cold is not just uncomfortable it can also be life threatening. Having the right gear for the right conditions is key at any time of the year but the margin for error during the colder seasons is much tighter.

Winter Is Coming

It’s defintely a good time to start to look at your cold weather paddling gear and assess whether it is going to be up to the job.

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Winter’s Coming: Paddling Through Shorter Days And Frosty Mornings

After a turbulent year, we suddenly find ourselves on the cusp of winter and the endless combinations of cold, wet and windy days presented by the good old British weather. As we say farewell to our shortie cags and board shorts until next year, let’s remember to pack the essential clothing and kit which can make a cold day on the water more comfortable and reduce the risk of hypothermia, cold-water shock, frozen fingers and hours shivering misery!

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Movie Monday 21 June 2021

Welcome to Unsponsored and Movie Monday 21 June 2021.

Movie Monday 21 June 2021
Movie Monday 21 June 2021


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Palm Zenith Pants – Review

The Palm Zenith pants are designed to be combined with any dry or semi dry top to create a flexible system for year round use. I’ve been using these with the Palm Fuse and Zenith range of jackets.

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Palm Zenith Pants – Review

Although a two piece combination will find it hard to be beat a drysuit I have used a number of two piece systems in the past that have been super dry. The big advantage is that you can mix and match tops and bottoms to create a system that is best matched for the conditions you are going out in.

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Sweet Protection 2020

Sweet Protection have announced that they will be discontinuing the software range of products for 2020 and will be focussing solely on hardware and protection.

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Sweet Protection 2020

Paddlesports is refocused, but still central in brand DNA.

Back from the mid 80’s, when the founders of Sweet Protection fell in love with the local rivers and play spots, Paddlesports has been an important part of the brand DNA and history. After discontinuing the dry wear products going into 2020, the Paddlesports collection is now refocused on hardware and protection only.

We believe that discontinuing our dry wear products will allow us to focus even more on innovation and cutting-edge technology on helmets and protection for Paddlesports.

More information can be found here.

Movie Monday 6 January 2020

Welcome to Movie Monday 6 January 2020. Another cracking set of movies to distract you from the start of the working day. Kick back, relax, work can wait.

Movie Monday
Movie Monday 6 January 2020


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Social Media Saturday 20 July 2019

Welcome to Social Media Saturday 20 July 2019 at Unsponsored.
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