The Bliss Stick RAD (Radical Air Device) comes in two sizes. Both are very short – 175cm or 185cm. Not much in it I know but its enough! The boat has plenty of volume which has resulted in a very comfortable sub 2m boat.
For quite a volumous boat the RAD cartwheels extremely fast and relatively effortlessly. It loops really really well, although the addition of an overthruster makes the loops far bigger (a worthwhile investment for this boat).
On flat water speed is OK and comparable to most of the other short boats on the market. They are after all built for play and not for speed. Flat water cartwheeling is easy and the boat bow stalls very well. Stern stalls are a little more tricky due to the boats volume distribution. It can be done but some adjustment of technique is needed to pull it off.
For its size the RAD makes quite a good river runner. Obviously its lack of great speed may well let you down. In big water the RAD does become a challenge but as long as you know the boat could go vertical at any second, all is well.
The outfitting is basic by modern day standards, but as far as I am concerned this is no bad thing. Getting it set up right takes a while but you know that at the end of the day it won’t rust or fall apart.
The RAD comes in at a great price, has great performance and as a bonus not everyone has one. It’s certainly this years best kept secret. Well worth a look.
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