On the corner of Thamel Chowk, Kathmandu, sat a fruit and veg seller. His stall covered in bananas, spinach, peppers and much more. That stall is gone now. It’s a supermarket. This stall holder knew the comings and goings of most of the river guides in town. It was a time before cell phones and the internet. If you wanted to message a friend, you left a note at the stall. That is how I first began guiding in Nepal. I had already had my ‘gap year’ kayaking in Norway and working down in Evje for Troll. I learnt lots, I made mistakes, but I never thought I would be guiding again – I thought I would have a proper job. More than twenty years later, this has not come to pass. Each career or job I have taken I have sacrificed or halted in order to get a flight east. I know the streets of Kathmandu better than I know my home town, and as time progressed the same is true of Rishikesh, Leh, Manali and now Paro.
Tag: Leh
The Ladakh River Festival takes place on the Indus River (India) on August 19 to 20th 2017. This is the worlds highest kayaking competition.
Here in Ladakh we have amazing, world class whitewater kayaking – big rivers, huge rapids, cold water and all in an environment like nowhere else in the world.
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