Paddling tips, tricks, news and gear reviews from an Unsponsored point of view

Tag: Prijon (Page 2 of 2)

Ace Of Spades – First Look

This week a freshly wrapped Ace of Spades kayak from Spade Kayaks arrived from Austria via UK distributers System X.

Ace Of Spades - First Look

A big thanks to Kev at Northshore Watersports for handling the delivery.


There has been a few pieces of information about the Ace of Spades, including posts on this site, but there hasn’t been much in the way of detailed images. Hopefully this post will help to put this right.

The Ace of Spades is a blown moulded displacement hull kayak. It has the features that you would expect to see in any whitewater boat – adjustable outfitting, full plate footrest, multiple grab handles, drain bung etc… but many have been executed in a creative way.

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Prijon Cali – First Look

I’ve been a huge fan of Prijon boats for years and have owned a fair few including a T Canyon, Avenger, Delirious, Delirium and Release. The newest whitewater boat to the Prijon line up is the Cali.


Length: 8’10”
Width: 27″
Volume: 90 Gallons
Weight: 45lbs

Prijon Cali 2

The Prijon Cali is Prijon’s latest creek boat and is an update to the Pure XL. The images of the new Cali come direct from Prijon USA.

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Prijon Forte – First Look

Hot on the heals of the new Prijon Curve is the Forte. The Forte is a sporty river runner for light and medium weight paddlers.

forte-marco_2 Continue reading

Unsponsored Q&A Series – Kenny Mutton

I’m a big fan of Kenny Mutton’s kayak designs. For a number of years I paddled Prijon kayaks. Kenny is the man behind some of my favourites – the Delirious, Delirium and the Release. Kenny has a wealth of experience paddling, coaching, competing and designing kayaks. It’s fantastic that Kenny has kindly agreed to take part in the Unsponsored 2012 Q&A series.

Tell us a little a bit about you accomplishments in the kayaking world…

I used to be into freestyle paddling and way back in 1997 I placed 3rd at the Worlds. I also won the European Cup in 2000. Since 2005, freestyle in NZ has died away and now I’m into creek boats and extreme races. Sometimes I can still win the local NZ races and I’m keen to make it to some international races in the future. I’ve always been into designing kayaks. I designed a few freestyle boats for Prijon & Bliss-Stick, but in the last few years I’ve put a few freestyle ideas into creek boats/extreme racing boats. One of my latest designs has been the Bliss-stick Tuna, which in its first outing was paddled by Sam Sutton taking out first place at the Sickline World Champs. I have just finished shaping a smaller one, also for Bliss-Stick, which will be out before Christmas in New Zealand.

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Prijon Delirious – Review

This year (2001) sw the launch of the Prijon Delirious as a design for play paddlers/top rodeo competitors and billed it as the master of spin. I had seen the Delirious on one previous occasion and its image had lodged in my head. With a number of impressive European freestyle wins under its belt I thought I’d better give the Delirious a try.

Prijon Delirious - Review
Prijon Delirious – Hurley Weir, River Thames
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Prijon Delerium – Review

The delirium is easily the most comfortable boat in its class due to the fact that it has no pillars and the end, despite being slicy is still large enough to accomodate size 10/11 feet and respectable sized wetboots comfortably. The fit kit that came with the boat is good- the ‘booster seat’ which came with it is very effective – it is comfortable and because of its form fitting shape offers great control.

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