So we all had a break from the Dirty First Aid, bet you are glad?

Well now lets be quick, lets be simple.

Kayakers, Sup guys n’ gals, Canoeists we all have our own thoughts about breaks and dislocations – but lets get down and dirty.

Unsponsored-Dirty First Aid Series - Part 6 5

It’s simple – immobilise as easy and quick as possible, lets not get caught up with which sling is best, which way to strap.

Simple rules:

Find it, fix it.

If your mate has damaged her shoulder whilst on the water, don’t spend painful time stripping her from her gear, don’t worry about your first aid kit – just strap and go. Set the arm in a comfortable position. You can use the pfd as a stationary sling system. This works well for dislocations, breaks, tendon damage etc. Franco’s book also has some great pics on the use of a skirt, bivvy bag, tape usage.

Goes the same for legs, fingers etc.

Dirty First Aid Series - Part 6




Old man river Darren Clarkson-King (DAZ) will be supplying a series of ‘Dirty First Aid’ articles for river runners.

Darren offers in-house training in the Himalaya and is a consultant for Nepal Association of Rafting Agents (NARA) making a blue print for an Industry standard.

He also paddles a bit.