Paddling tips, tricks, news and gear reviews from an Unsponsored point of view

Tag: Gear (Page 1 of 4)


The new updated River Wrap PFD from PEAKUK is due spring 2022 and will retail at £185.


The PEAKUK River Wrap PFD won Product of The Year at Paddle Expo in 2021.

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Immersion Research K2 Union Suit – Review

Way back in 2013 Mark Mulrain kindly sent one of the new IR K2 Union Suits to try out along with the Royale spraydeck. As I get ready for some cold weather paddling tomorrow it is still the thermal I go to first if I am planning on wearing a drysuit.

Immersion Research K2 Union Suit - Review
Immersion Research K2 Union Suit – Review

The K2 Union suit is till part of the Immersion Research range. This is what I said about the K2 Union suit a few years back.

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Palm Equipment Universal Mat – Review

The Universal Mat from Palm Equipment landed at Unsponsored HQ a few years back (2015) and has been used multiple times per week ever since. So it is probably time for a quick updated review.

Palm Equipment - Universal Mat
Palm Equipment Universal Mat – Review

The concept is very simple, it’s a foam mat that can be folded/fastened in half.

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Aniol Serrasolses Joins Team Kokatat

Aniol Serrasolses has now become part of the Team Kokatat family.

Aniol Serrasolses Joins Team Kokatat
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Astral Brewer Shoe 2.0 – Review

We have had at least one pair of Astral Brewers at Unsponsored HQ since there launch back in around 2013.

Astral Brewer Shoe 2.0 – Review

In that time I think we have had three pairs, so it is about time we published a full review.

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Palm Side Swing HMS Karabiner – First Look

The Palm Side swing HMS Karabiner looks like a fairly conventional karabiner that has had some weight shaved off and a trick anodised colour applied. I thought exactly this when it landed here at Unsponsored HQ.

Palm Side Swing HMS Karabiner - First Look
Palm Side Swing HMS Karabiner – First Look

I didn’t even look at the name, as it was obscured by the paperwork, before removing the karabiner from its display card and checking out the gate action.

Palm Side Swing HMS Karabiner – First Look
Palm Side Swing HMS Karabiner – First Look

When you pick up a karabiner it is compulsory to test out the gate action. That is the point that I realised the Palm side swing karabiner was a little bit different.

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Sweet Protection Paddlesport Sale

Yesterday we published a post detailing Sweet Protection’s move away from dry gear for 2020.

As of today Sweet have launched their Paddlesport gear sale. This includes both softwear and hardwear.

I’ve put my order in!

Whetman Equipment Bait Ring

We have a Whetman Equipment Bait Ring winging its way to Unsponsored HQ.

Whetman Equipment Bait Ring

This 12mm aluminium ring has an internal diameter of 45mm and a minimum breaking strength of 25kN.

It is also UK made.

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Reader’s Rides – Keith Elliott

The Reader’s Ride series is back for 2020. This series showcases the kit that boaters just like you are using. This is the first for 2020 from Keith Elliott.

Reader’s Rides – Keith Elliott


Silverbirch Agent 8.8 fitted with Tribal air bags.


Zap Gen 2 custom paddle (import from USA)

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9 Tips To Make Your Drysuit Last Longer

Adrian Mattern has 9 tips to make your drysuit last longer.

9 tips to make your drysuit last longer
9 tips to make your drysuit last longer

I have been abusing drysuits for so many years now that I figured out a few key points which- if you take SOME care about, will maximize the lifetime of your drysuit by a lot! I have realized that just by taking a few caretaking steps there is absolutely no need to get a new drysuit every single season or so.

Adrian Mattern
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Nookie Hornet Throwline – Review

A throwline is a must have piece of equipment for all kayakers and canoeists. We have had a Nookie Hornet 18m Rescue Throwline 8mm (9kN) in for review at Unsponsored for quite a few months. We are pretty familiar with Nookie’s Throwlines having owned and used quite a few over the last 30+ years of paddling.

Nookie Hornet Throwline - Review
Nookie Hornet Throwline – Review
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Palm Equipment Ace PFD

Palm Equipment’s Ace PFD is now available.

Palm Equipment Ace PFD
Palm Equipment Ace PFD – Cobalt + Ocean
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