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Pyranha Machno – A Closer Look

Revealed at PaddleExpo 2016 the new Pyranha Machno. Is this new boat from UK based Pyranha about to take the whitewater market by storm?

Pyranha Machno

New lines and new outfitting brings the Pyranha whitewater range bang up to date. The 9R has been a huge success over the last 12 months and the amount of interest in the Machno would suggest that this new boat will also be very popular.

Pyranha Machno - A Closer Look

New updated thigh braces look interesting. Definitely more plastic in there.

Pyranha Machno - A Closer Look

The Machno looks similar to the Waka Tuna 2.0 but by all accounts paddles very differently. The hull looks as if it would provide a really stable profile. We will be testing one shortly so will know very soon.

Pyranha Machno - A Closer Look

Pyranha Machno - A Closer Look

Images from Pyranha UK.


  1. ridged8

    What is the purpose of this boat? Why not steer people to the 9R?

    • Ethan Boswell

      I believe they are trying to phase out the Shiva, so basically the Machno is meant to replace it. They took a lot of what they learned from the 9R and are applying it to this boat. Think 9R with more volume, more stability, more maneuverability, and a more forgiving stern, all while still having those awesome 9R chines as well as a good portion of its hull speed. It’s also meant to be more creek capable, as the 9R was never intended to be used as an all-purpose kayak; so 2 front safety loops, and those thigh braces look bomber.

      • Karl D

        Yepper. Wider for sure than the 9R! Paddle a large and immediately knew I was gonna sell my loved Mamba 8.6. Its that sweet! The rocker is sick/rolls like no other/ so stable!!! At 225lbs the 9R was way too narrow for me so the Machno is perfect for us big guys

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