Paddling tips, tricks, news and gear reviews from an Unsponsored point of view

2013 Palm Rescue Waist Belt And Other Throwlines

I have been asked a few times about whether or not the Palm Rescue Waist Belt and Zambezi Utility Belt will accept throw lines/bags from other manufacturers.

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The answer is yes as long as the throwbag has 2 x belt tabs wide enough to accept the belt.

I use mine with the HF Weasel which is a great bag and is highly recommended.

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The images show my HF bag being used with the Zambezi Utility Belt. Palm also make the rescue belt which is essentially the same as the Zambezi but without the towline/pouch.


  1. iboutdoor

    I use the same set up at work. It works, but can take a while to put the bag back on the belt. The belt loop at the neck of the Weasel take a bit of faffing to get on. Think the swifty belt is skinnier?

  2. lizzie

    They are great so you can move about ‘hands free’ on the bank whilst protecting a rapid. I wouldn’t wear it whilst padding a kayak, even under the deck as they havebeenimplicated in at least on uk fatality. For WW use, just get rid of the tow line and we the pouch for Prussians, pulleys and a sling. Great piece of kit.

    • lizzie

      Prussiks lol!

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