Paddling tips, tricks, news and gear reviews from an Unsponsored point of view

Tag: Throwline (Page 1 of 2)

Palm Equipment Arc Throwline

The Arc throwline is Palm’s smallest rescue line at 12.5m. The rope used is 8mm float line with a 8kN bearing point. This is the same rope used in the lightning 18m throwline.

Palm Equipment Arc Throwline

The bag itself is made from CORDURA 500D material which basically means it will be pretty tough.

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Kokatat Huck Throw Bag – First Look

We first made a post about Kokatat releasing a new throw bag way back in 2019. It has only been quite recently that the Huck began to appear in stores.

Kokatat Huck Throw Bag - First Look
Kokatat Huck Throw Bag – First Look

The Huck is a compact, mantis green coloured throw bag packed with 50 feet (15m) of ¼-inch floating polyethylene core rope with a maximum strength of 1,450 pounds. A 70 feet (21m) bag is also available.

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Kokatat Huck Throw Bag

Kokatat have a new throw bag for 2020 named the Huck.

Huck Throw Bag
Huck Throw Bag

The Huck 50′ throw bag with a removable belt is the perfect option for paddlers who place a premium on always being prepared for any situation while on the water. Designed to be easy to throw and quick to repack, the Huck 50′ with belt is a safety accessory for paddlers of all abilities. 

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Nookie Hornet 18m Rescue Throwline – First Look

We have a Nookie Hornet 18m Rescue Throwline 8mm (9kN) in for review at Unsponsored. At 18m the Nookie Hornet’s 8mm floating line is the sweet spot length for most applications.

Nookie Hornet 18m Rescue Throwline
Nookie Hornet 18m Rescue Throwline
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HF Little Fish Throwbag

HF have finally gone to clean line throwbags and have removed the plastic tubing. This can be seen on the newest bag the Little Fish.

Interestingly this bag steps aways from the usual cylindrical bags we normally see.

Palm Equipment Bolt Throwline – Review

I’ve been using the small Palm Equipment Lightning throwline as my small carry on a belt throwline. The compact size of the bag makes it ideal for this purpose. To achieve this size, it only uses 18m of 8mm rope with a 8KN breaking strain.

In addition to a small bag I also like to have a larger burlier throwline in the boat. This is where the new Bolt throwline comes into to play. The Bolt takes many of the features of the Lightning and scales thing up. As a result it includes 20m of 11mm rope with a breaking strain of 10KN. This is strong enough to use as a haul line, but is still light enough for person to person rescues. The rope is really nice to handle even when under considerable load. A nice touch is that the two ends of the rope have been shrink wrapped.

Palm Equipment Bolt Throwline - First Look

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Readers, we have all done – or should have done a WW safety course, either an in country one, Rescue 3 or similar. We learn about z drags and mechanical advantage. We should learn about steep ground assessments, we learn to portage, we learn our own boundaries.


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NRS Co Pilot Rescue Knife

If you are using a throw line on the river I firmly believe that you need to carry a knife capable of cutting the line you are using.

NRS Co Pilot Rescue Knife

There are two schools of thought on how a knife should be carried. The first option is to have a knife stored in such a way that it does not create a snag hazard but still remains accessible. The choices on how this can be achieved is limited and really relies on using a pocket on your PFD. The second option is to carry a knife clipped onto the outside of your PFD. By doing this you are accepting that there will be an increased snag risk but the knife will be readily accessible. The other issue with knives that are mounted on the outside of your PFD is that it should remain secure until it is required to be used. Continue reading

Swimming In Whitewater

From time to time this will happen and is far more common than even the great boaters like to admit. Capsizing and swimming is what helps us all get better, it’s part of the learning curve no matter what level of the sport you are currently at.

There are two main goals if you find yourself in the water. The first is to stay safe whilst in the water and second is to get out of the water. Continue reading

2013 Palm Rescue Waist Belt And Other Throwlines

I have been asked a few times about whether or not the Palm Rescue Waist Belt and Zambezi Utility Belt will accept throw lines/bags from other manufacturers.

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Choosing A Throw Line

If you are running whitewater I strongly believe that all members of the paddling group should carry and throw line/bag AND know how to use it safely/effectively. I would also say that if you are carry a line you must also carry a knife that is capable of cutting it.


The choice of throw lines/bags is vast and although they may look the same there are some distinct differences that you must consider before selecting the right one for you. Continue reading

Palm Sjoa Throwbag Olympics – 2013

Palm Sjoa Throwbag Olympics – 2013 from Jake Holland on Vimeo.

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