Paddling tips, tricks, news and gear reviews from an Unsponsored point of view

Tag: HF Weasel

Peak UK Throwline 15m – First Look

The PEAKUK throwline comes in 15m, 20m or 25m lengths.  The one we have here is the smallest 15m version.

Peak UK Throwline 15m - First Look

The throwline comes equipped with 15m of 9.5mm floating rope. Compared to the 18m of 7.5mm rope used in the HF weasel and 18m of 8mm line used within the Palm Equipment Lightning throw bags.

Peak UK Throwline 15m - First Look
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Palm Equipment Lightning Throwbag – First Look

When we first shared the video showing the new Palm Equipment Lightning throwbag in one of the first comments back was that Palm have made the HF Weasel.

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Now as a long term HF Weasel user I can see there are clearly comparisons to made.

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Life On The (Throw) Line

After a couple of hours of paddling today I spied my HF Weasel Throwbag in the back of the car and had an idea. What if I attached my GoPro to the bag, what kind of footage could I get?

So…one Mount Star mount and a couple of zip ties later:

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