Paddling tips, tricks, news and gear reviews from an Unsponsored point of view

Tag: river runner (Page 2 of 21)

Social Media Saturday 23 September 2023

Welcome to Unsponsored and Social Media Saturday 23 September 2023.


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Social Media Saturday 9 September 2023

Welcome to Unsponsored and Social Media Saturday 9 September 2023.

Social Media Saturday 9 September 2023


Social Media Saturday 26 August 2023

Welcome to Unsponsored and Social Media Saturday 26 August 2023.

Social Media Saturday 26 August 2023


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Social Media Saturday 5 August 2023

Welcome to Unsponsored and Social Media Saturday 5 August 2023.

Social Media Saturday 5 August 2023


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Dagger Code Vs Mamba

The Mamba has been around since 2005 with a major revamp in 2012. The Code is Dagger’s newest kayak and has been designed to take the place of the Mamba in the line up.

Dagger Code
Dagger Mamba

In following table I have listed the three main sizes of the kayaks and matched although some of the dimensions of a say a middle of the size range Mamba could also be easily compared against the smallest Code.

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Social Media Saturday 8 July 2023

Welcome to Unsponsored and Social Media Saturday 8 July 2023.

Social Media Saturday 8 July 2023


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Social Media Saturday 3 June 2023

Welcome to Unsponsored and Social Media Saturday 3 June 2023.

Social Media Saturday 3 June 2023


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Social Media Saturday 29 April 2023

Welcome to Unsponsored and Social Media Saturday 29 April 2023.

Social Media Saturday 29 April 2023


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Social Media Saturday 22 April 2023

Welcome to Unsponsored and Social Media Saturday 22 April 2023.

Social Media Saturday 22 April 2023
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Social Media Saturday 15 April 2023

Welcome to Unsponsored and Social Media Saturday 15 April 2023.

Social Media Saturday 15 April 2023


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Social Media Saturday 18 March 2023

Welcome to Unsponsored and Social Media Saturday 18 March 2023.

Social Media Saturday 18 March 2023


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Social Media Saturday 11 March 2023

Welcome to Unsponsored and Social Media Saturday 11 March 2023.

Social Media Saturday 11 March 2023


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