The 2018 Hurley Classic starts tomorrow. A live feed is available for the flood lit final.
1930 – 2030 (GMT) Saturday 17 March 2018.
Paddling tips, tricks, news and gear reviews from an Unsponsored point of view
The 2018 Hurley Classic starts tomorrow. A live feed is available for the flood lit final.
1930 – 2030 (GMT) Saturday 17 March 2018.
Robin Hood Watersports have the full Waka kayaks 2018 lineup. It’s great to see them lined up with one another.
Check them out.
Having just been discussing the lack of new boats from ZET over the last few days it looks like they do have a new kayak for 2018. From the specifications it looks like the Five is designed to address the challenges from the new crop of short (sub 9ft) whitewater kayaks.
ZET kayaks introduces the FIVE, the fifth boat in its lineup. Developed together with top paddlers and the ZET team, this new kayak brings all the components a kayaker can wish for in a boat for active moves on whitewater. FIVE is an aggressive whitewater boat, gliding nicely over waves and holes, accelerating like a demon and holding its line without any reduction in speed.
Welcome to Movie Monday 16 October 2017 here at Unsponsored. A little distraction at the start of the working week.
Lowri Davies is hosting a Fun-Draising Event on the 2nd of September 2017. If you are in the UK that weekend it will be worth a trip out, that I am sure.
An afternoon and evening of fun and shenanigans, both on and off the water to help raise money towards Lowri Davies representing Great Britain at the World Freestyle Championships out in Argentina.
As an added bonus, Canoe Wales will match all donations! So effectively ALL DONATIONS WILL BE DOUBLED!
If Unsponsored were to design and release a brand new kayak into the current market place what would it look like?
Lets go through a few design ideas and see where we end up.
The Ladakh River Festival takes place on the Indus River (India) on August 19 to 20th 2017. This is the worlds highest kayaking competition.
Here in Ladakh we have amazing, world class whitewater kayaking – big rivers, huge rapids, cold water and all in an environment like nowhere else in the world.
The SAS Hurley Classic is one of the oldest kayak freestyle kayak competitions in the world. The 2016 event was held over the weekend of the 19th and 20th of November 2016.
Big competitions are always a great place to catch some of the latest kayak designs. This years Sickline was no different with new Dagger Phantom, Pyranha Machno, Exo T-Rex, and Waka Gangsta in attendance.
Check out just a few of the kayaks that were spotted at Sickline 2016.
Pyranha Machno
We had images of the prototype here on Unsponsored a few weeks ago and they received a huge number of hits. We will be seeing loads of these on the water over the next few months.
Movie Monday 5 September 2016 has landed here at Unsponsored HQ – A great mix from around the globe.
If you have lots of free time why not check out the hundreds of other edits hidden within our Movie Monday archive.
Today was the Washburn Boaterfest 2016. We spent a few hours at the Washburn (North Yorkshire, UK) checking out the event and testing out some new gear.
For quite sometime if you went to any recent event you would be sure to see lots and lots of Pyranha 9Rs on the water. Today was quite different.
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