Paddling tips, tricks, news and gear reviews from an Unsponsored point of view

Tag: Throw Line (Page 1 of 2)

Throwline Rope Management

A great piece from Palm Equipment and Eddy Mead.

Level Six Quickthrow Pro

Level Six have released a brand new throw line that uses 20m of static Dyneema rope that glows in the dark.

Level Six Quickthrow Pro
Level Six Quickthrow Pro

The 3/8” 20 M rope features an 11% stretch threshold and boasts a 1700KG breaking strength. The mesh panels allow quick draining and drying, and the gusseted zipped opening system is designed to make re-packing your throw bag quick and easy.

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HF Porter

HF Porter
HF Porter

HF have a new throw bag belt. The HF Porter has been specially developed for pro water rescue teams and raft guides.

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Kokatat Huck Throw Bag

Kokatat have a new throw bag for 2020 named the Huck.

Huck Throw Bag
Huck Throw Bag

The Huck 50′ throw bag with a removable belt is the perfect option for paddlers who place a premium on always being prepared for any situation while on the water. Designed to be easy to throw and quick to repack, the Huck 50′ with belt is a safety accessory for paddlers of all abilities. 

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Nookie 20m River Water Flood Rescue Throwline – First Look

We have a Nookie 20m River Water Flood Rescue Throwline in for review at Unsponsored.

Nookie 20m River Water Flood Rescue Throwline
Nookie 20m River Water Flood Rescue Throwline
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Peak UK Throwline 15m – First Look

The PEAKUK throwline comes in 15m, 20m or 25m lengths.  The one we have here is the smallest 15m version.

Peak UK Throwline 15m - First Look

The throwline comes equipped with 15m of 9.5mm floating rope. Compared to the 18m of 7.5mm rope used in the HF weasel and 18m of 8mm line used within the Palm Equipment Lightning throw bags.

Peak UK Throwline 15m - First Look
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To Throw Or Not To Throw?

Let’s talk safety – To throw or not to throw? 

Nouria Newman posted this question on FB a few days ago.

When someone gets stuck in a hole it’s always a tough call. Do you throw them a line or not?

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HF Little Fish Throwbag

HF have finally gone to clean line throwbags and have removed the plastic tubing. This can be seen on the newest bag the Little Fish.

Interestingly this bag steps aways from the usual cylindrical bags we normally see.

Palm Equipment Bolt Throwline – Review

I’ve been using the small Palm Equipment Lightning throwline as my small carry on a belt throwline. The compact size of the bag makes it ideal for this purpose. To achieve this size, it only uses 18m of 8mm rope with a 8KN breaking strain.

In addition to a small bag I also like to have a larger burlier throwline in the boat. This is where the new Bolt throwline comes into to play. The Bolt takes many of the features of the Lightning and scales thing up. As a result it includes 20m of 11mm rope with a breaking strain of 10KN. This is strong enough to use as a haul line, but is still light enough for person to person rescues. The rope is really nice to handle even when under considerable load. A nice touch is that the two ends of the rope have been shrink wrapped.

Palm Equipment Bolt Throwline - First Look

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Readers, we have all done – or should have done a WW safety course, either an in country one, Rescue 3 or similar. We learn about z drags and mechanical advantage. We should learn about steep ground assessments, we learn to portage, we learn our own boundaries.


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Palm Equipment Bolt Throwline – First Look

We have the new Palm Equipment Bolt throwline in for review at Unsponsored HQ. The Bolt is the big brother to the Lightning throwline released last year and replaces the Palm Alpine throwline.

Palm Equipment Bolt Throwline - First Look

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Palm Equipment Bolt Throw Bag

We love the Lightning throw bag from Palm Equipment and got a the heads up that the older bags were ready to to redesigned earlier this year. So we are really glad to see that we know have the 20m 11mm Palm Equipment Bolt throw bag in the line up for 2017.

Palm Equipment Bolt Throw Bag

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